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Project Owner


The project owner has been a  bioengineer for 12 years. He has significant experiences on the field of business and PAT systems as well. He has been a manager of life-science projects for 5 years and has been working with PAT systems for 3 years. He plays the role of the tech consultant.

C.E.O. / Senior Project Manager

Our C.E.O/senior project manager has been a project manager for 20 years and has 5 years of experience in leading a company.

Senior Technologist

Lab support is provided, and fermentation experiments for software improvement are led by  the leader of the Biotechnological Research Center of the University of Debrecen. He has been a biotechnologist for 20 years and has been managing a fermentation laboratory for 5 years. He is accompanied by two senior technologists, who will help him perform the experiments. He will also lead the implementation of our PAT system to the laboratories of potential customers in the future.

Computer Modeler


Mathematical background for software development is provided by one of the best computer modelers in Europe. He has been developing computer simulations for 30 years and has been making models and simulations for biological systems for 5 years.
He will be accompanied by 2 other bioinformatics engineers, who will help him design the experiments, evaluate data, and develop and improve the unique generic-genetic models, which will make our system be able to learn by itself.

Roland Zónai

Junior Project Assistant &

Technology Coordinator

Maintaining contacts with key partners are done by Roland Zónai, a B.Sc. student of bioengineering as a junior project assistant and technology coordinator.

Senior Business Developrt


Our senior business developer with experiments in life science-related sw industry will lead the business development and the creation of networking.

Human Resources plan:

Minimal required human ​resource will be involved during the whole project. The current number of team members will be extended with further colleagues in short term: software developers, sales - marketing expert and business developer with experiments in pharma.

After the software is completely developed and purchasing begins in Q4 – maintaining period – to
extend the number of sales team, we will involve a foreign sales expert with significant international experiments and to extend the numbers of technologists we will involve an engineer in Q6.

The Team​

(Note: pictures are for illustration only and are not representing the real team members)

Company Information


Company name:

BioTechnoVation Ltd.

Head office and branches:


Legal form:

Limited Company (kft.)

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